August 5, 2021
Yuyuko, chilling by the record player, listening to some tunes. What kind of music does she like?
August 5, 2021
Refreshed Patchouli
During the hot summers, Patchouli likes to sit back with a nice, cold, refreshing beverage.
January 9, 2020
Youmu's Podcast
What's Youmu talking about? Probably about what to make Yuyuko for dinner tonight!
August 11, 2019
Shion Too Cute
Shion finally arrived in the mail a couple weeks ago, and she's even cuter in person. Even her bow is stuffed!
July 18, 2019
Alice Joins the Crew
I ordered Alice a couple weeks ago, and she finally arrived! Here she is with Chen.
July 14, 2019
Hello Chen
Chen wanted to get close to the camera for this picture. Say hi to Chen!
July 13, 2019
Chen and Youmu
These two were my first two fumos, and both really cute.
July 13, 2019
Cup of Koishi
My first fumo post, using this image as a test. Koishi is my seventh fumo, and I've had her for about a week now.